Monday, December 8, 2008

my "friend" mike is a serious dick.

so, a while back, during a particularly slow day at work, i made something that i thought was pretty cool. what i did was i found a large sheet of tissue paper (approx. 3'x 3'). then i used some white-out (approx. 2 bottles) to draw concentric circles resulting in a white on black bulls-eye. now, on it's own this is pretty f-ing cool but just wait, it get's better. i taped it up in the corner of my office between the wall and the door. this way, when the door was open it would fold up out of site. but when the door was closed it would fold out into THE ULTIMATE RUBBER BAND TARGET!!!!!
it was fucking fantastic. so i spent the rest of that week secretly shooting holes in my kick ass target. and it ruled. once i blasted a shit-ton of holes in it (yeah, about 97% were bullseyes) i took it down and showed it off to my coworkers. they were all really impressed, not just with my rubber band accuracy but also with my creativity and ability to take initiative. after all their ooohing and ahhhing they convinced me to hang it on the wall so it could continue to be enjoyed.
for months it hung on the wall just below the dry erase board. it made me really proud to have it displayed like that, to know that whenever anyone ventured into the storage room, they'd get to see my handiwork. i also thought it'd be pretty neat if years from now, after i had moved on to another job, new employees might see it and say, "hey what's that?" and someone who knew me would pass on the story of my rubber band target.
well, that's impossible now. mike tore it down today and threw it in the trash. he's a serious dick.

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