hey all. so i just wanted to show you this diagram so you could see exactly how i rigged up the rubberband target. i thought it was pretty clever but i'll let you be the judge of that. you see i rigged it so that when the door was open and people were in my office you couldn't see anything. but when i was alone and "working" with the door closed...KA-POW!! RUBBER BAND CITY!!!

i know the diagram is kinda sloppy but i think it serves it's purpose. maybe i'll make a better one down the line when i have access to a
wacom tablet so my hand doesn't hurt so much. (cough, cough, good christmas present mom, cough!)
here is a much improved diagram. hope it eliminates any confusion the previous one caused!
The new diagram is much improved. I spent, like, 15 minutes looking at the first one trying to figure out what it was supposed to be. I thought there was some sort of disappearing skeleton who entered a black hole or some shit. The cleanly drawn lines and the non-chicken scratch text make all the difference.
Mike is such a dick! How could you ruin such a sweet setup? Hey Mike, I just got my stereo system all hooked up so I can listen to music while I work. Do you want to come over to pull all the wires out and smash my receiver and shit on my floor?
Mike is a dick, but to be fair, he's also a TOTAL dick.
I think you are both assholes with way too much time on your hands. And furthermore, are you billing this to McCann? Cuz if so, I'M TELLING!--That's what I wrote on Mike's Blog, but for real Pete, dude, totally uncool of Mike to rip your artwork down. Next thing you know, he's gonna come into work with an uzi. You better watch that kid!
thanks for the kind words ags! i'm glad you're on my side! you're right, he is a total dick and an asshole. he had no right to rip down something that i made and everyone loved. i think it has to do with his own insecurities. unfortunately it is often one's insecurities which lead them to purchase an uzi and use it to slaughter their innocent coworkers or classmates. don't worry though. i'm keeping a watchful eye on him. one false move and KA-POW!! PAIN CITY!!
p.s. i'm not billing it to mccann. i worked on this after hours and at home for most of last night.
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