Friday, December 12, 2008

Back on track!

hey all. so i realize i've been a little off message recently. this blog isn't called "pete is really good at shooting rubber bands" (even though i am). it's called "mike is a dick" because mike is a dick. he ruined my rubber band target and left me with no choice but to start this blog. i have to say it's been really cathartic. it's important to have a place to vent about problems in your life. i've also really enjoyed being able to share my thoughts about rubber bands with you all. i hope it's been not just extremely informative but also entertaining. 
so friends, as the sun begins to set on the first week of this blog, i've been looking back, taking stock, seeing how much i've accomplished and realizing how far i still have to go. i want to make a promise to you all and to myself that i'll continue to give 110% on this blog, and in life.
i want to leave you with a link to a kindred spirit, a sister blog if you will- "fuck with me and find out". it's sort of a mike-is-a-dick blog for all the mikes you encounter in day to day life. enjoy.
see you all next week! have a great weekend. also, laura could you ask your mom if it's ok to substitute the beef sausage with chicken or turkey? thanx!


Greg said...

I appreciate and thank the linking you made to me. You can fuck with me now, one time, as a courtesy, and you will not find out.

pete said...

YES!! i was the one that stole your laundry!!! EAT IT!!!